Wednesday 15 February 2012


In Toronto there is a zoo that had at least 7 elephants and
there are only three of them left that are older than most elephants. The Toronto
zoo is trying to find a place to send the elephants because they are getting too
old and they don’t need them anymore. They are thinking about sending them to a
friend of theirs that owns a zoo. Their name is AZA that stands for association
of zoos and Aquariums. Before they do that they want to make sure that they are
going to be a good home for them.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes when I go away on a trip, I have to make arrangements for someone to take care of my dog. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to find a place for an Elephant! Hopefully it works out for the zoo and the elephant. Great post Dawn!


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