Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Big Message:Lady Gaga Style STOP BULLING

At a school in Toronto the students had a special guest at their anti-bullying assembly last week.Lady Gaga sent a recorded video message. The student council president is a huge fan of Lady Gaga. He had sent emails to different celebs, asking them to help the school’s anti-bullying campaign.He was thrilled when Lady Gaga read his email and he was the only student at the school who knew about the video until the assembly. She talked briefly about Jamey, a teenager in N.Y. who was bullied online for more than a year by kids who taunted him because he was gay. Lady Gaga told the students she was proud of them for being such strong advocates for the LGBT community. LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. “There should be more monsters like you,” she said. “Monster” is the pet name for Lady Gaga’s fans. “love each other and treat each other with respect , because we’re all we have.” Then she blew them a kiss.


  1. Go to www.teachingkidsnews.com.
    Two teens launched a Lego guy 24km above the earth . With four cameras and a balloon and parachute for when he lands. The teens were from Toronto, Ontario. You could see the guy in space and when he gets launched!

  2. ALICE :D
    Thats soooo cool
    Can you tell me more later?


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