Tuesday 22 November 2011

Thinking About an Array and Multiplication

Hi Class,

I spent the day today, Tuesday, in class and I will be in class again on Wednesday! I was at a meeting learning about some new strategies for my job. I thought it would be interesting to change the way we do our journal entries since I am not there, and this way I can communicate with you during the class a little bit. Instead of answering the following question in your Math Journal, I would like you to post a comment to this post. Remember to sign your reporter name so I know who you are!

Watch this video first and watch how the different arrays are made right in front of your eyes! Remember to comment on the math questions, not just about the song.

If I had the question 8 x 7, how and why would an array help a person answer this question? Try to use key words like factor, skip counting, grouping, visual, and product in your answer/comment.


  1. i skip counted by 7 4 times (=28) and then added 28 again for 56

  2. Great strategy! That is also known as halving and doubling.

  3. i agree Teekaar great stratagy ross i love how you used halving and doulbing but i found that useing place vaule was better

  4. I noticed that if you look at all the ansers in the two times tables of the even numbers it is skip counting.

  5. I skip counted 7, 4 times wicth = 28 and doubled that to get 56 as a product

  6. Gret job Ross but i agre with Cathrine h.:)

  7. i think would help them a lot to see an array. by the way the anser is 56

  8. That was awesome! That was the first math song I ever liked. I uasul say boo but this was amazing.

    Sincerly james.
    ps your song rocks.

  9. i skipped counted by 7, 8 times to get the product of 56


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