Tuesday 5 February 2013

Can I Still Offer My 2 Cents Worth?

The Canadian Mint has stopped making pennies.  How will this affect us?  Here are a couple of links to get you started.

Teacking Kids News - A Penny Saved is a Penny Spurned

Royal Canadian Mint

Have a great day!
Mr. Carr


  1. Wow I wonder what life will be like without pennies. Well you would ethier have to pay less or more. say your price was 12.99 you would pay 13.00 or if your price was 12.71 you would pay 12.70.So you can see what life would be like without pennies.

  2. I think that the canadian mint should make pennies because if you are charged a cent in a store like 51 cents or something how will you pay it if there is no more penneys left in canada? That is why I think that canada should make pennys.
    thank you for your time! Bruse.

  3. To, Mr.Carr
    The coolest part of the viedo was,when it went throught coning.Thee mony just got stameped.But it was a little anoying cause they cept asking is it money yet.

  4. I've always wanted to know how coins were made. It's been stuck in my mind for a fiew years, so now I finally know!I like how they presented the video so that it was easier to understand. I wonder what it will be like with out any pennies, but I know people will have a good sultion what to do.

  5. hi class how are all your guys doing im sorry I missed school school im sick it look like your having fun with the Canadian mint

  6. Thanks for the message...We just read it as a class. We hope you are feeling better soon so you can enjoy the big snow storm!

    P.S. I was persuaded to let people chew gum in class today. :)


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