Friday 15 February 2013

Art Class - Drawing a Cartoon Boy

Using this video of how to draw a cartoon of a boy as your guide, create a character using pencil at first and then colour pencil at the end. Remember to press lightly at first until you see the lines you want to make darker, and you can change the mouth, nose and eyes to personalize your character. When you are adding colour, try to darken some areas for shadow, and lighten other areas for highlights. Although this is a computer program this artist is using, it gives a clear and concise lesson for completing this task.  Maybe another day we can try this on the computers.  When you are finished, you can go back with a black marker over the lines and it will give it more of a cartoon effect.

Have Fun!  I wish I was feeling better to be in class and do this with you, I know you will all do great.

Mr. Carr


  1. Cool:) What website is it on? Looks like sumo paint.

  2. It is either Abode Photoshp or Illustrator. We can likely do the same thing on Sumo Paint, but we will have to experiment a bit to find out how. I saw the class drawings today - you guys did a great job.


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