Friday 7 September 2012

Our First week Back!

In Math this week, we played two Math games.  One game was a game called MADdition, a game similar to Jeopardy, and the other game was a dice game.  Both games used different strategies for finding the sum.

We wrote about our favourite challenge and goal for the year to let Mr.Carr learn a little more about us.  We also started a graphic organizer about the favourite thing we did this summer.  The graphic organizer was a garden gate that we wrote our ideas on and it is going to help us write a recount.

We learned that our Code of Conduct is "Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe."  We made posters in groups of 4 to show the code of conduct in action when in our classroom.  This way, if you are new to the school you can read the Code of Conduct and you will understand how to be safe, responsible and repectful.

Feels nice to be back in school.


  1. Hi Mr. Carr
    My mom and I checked out the blog, we think it was neat. Kelty

    1. hi mr carr.
      it is maclaren. I checked out the games,there realy hard to find.


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