Monday 12 December 2011

Government Visit

Comic Create by Bob - Technology in the classroom

Today we had people from the government come in to see what effect the netbooks have on our learning. I believe they have a positive effect and I hope that the government thinks so too.
     When we have the netbooks we can play math games on the class website, write on Microsoft word and listen to reading on tumble books. Not to mention lots of other things that we can do on the netbooks.
     We have lots of fun, we enjoy ourwebsite, and we hope you liked being a part of our class as we used technology to help us learn.

From: Mr. Carr’s Class

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1 comment:

  1. Dear students in Mr. Carr’s class,

    Thank you for sharing all the interesting things you are working on with us. We were delighted to see some great writing and students who are able to use their netbooks to do so many things. We also saw students who are interested in their work and excited to learn, and teachers exited to teach.

    We hope you and Mr. Carr have a wonderful holiday; hopefully with lots of snow!

    Best wishes,
    Inga Boehler

    PS. Great comic! It certainly tells us what you think about the netbooks.


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