Thursday 27 October 2011


Some students did not complete a list of provinces and territories with the corresponding capital cities today, so they are bringing home their list and an atlas to finish it tonight. Also, the spelling test is tomorrow so check out the crossword puzzle at the bottom of this blog page for a fun challenge to help you study your words. By the way, the students were excited today because we have our first beetle, be sure to ask them about the details. You can use the "mealworm" label on the left of the page to see a picture from earlier. Beetle pictures will be posted soon.

Have a good evening!

1 comment:

  1. Cathrine.H,Robin1 November 2011 at 05:51

    Hey Jacob whats up I love your post its so cool and I love some of the rides there.
    I hope you are having a fun time in Flordia.
    I bet the rides are fast but still fun,I bet it i warm there boy i wish i could be there too!!!!!


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